Left to right, Jaman Javey, David Arko (accepting on behalf of Kristina), Marisa Melchior, Dennis Knaus, Lawrence Whalen, David Nichting (accepting on behalf of his son David Paul Nichting), Lowell Davis, and Linden Stephens
Euclid High Schools Sports Hall of Fame
The Euclid High Schools Sports Hall of Fame recognizes outstanding achievements in athletics by graduates of Euclid, Shore, and Central High Schools as well as coaches and honorary inductees. The event takes place every fall.
The 2023 Induction honored six outstanding Euclid Athletes:
Kristina Arko Szwed | Class of 2008
Andrea Bartel | Class of 2013
Jaman Javey | Class of 2007
Dennis A. Knaus | Class of 1960
Marisa Melchior | Class of 2011
David Paul Nichting | Class of 1980
Linden Stephens | Class of 2013
Lawrence Whalen | Class of 1962
Sports Hall of Fame Plaques
Sports Hall of Fame Inductees have plaques that are hung in the athletic hallway of Euclid High School outside the East Gym. Please note that Plaques for Sports Hall of Fame Inductees from 2012 on will be displayed upon completion of the upcoming renovations to Euclid High School. In the meantime, their names are displayed in one of the cases.